Axis PC Cheats and Codes


Cheat codes:
Level 1 - HotWetSoap
Level 2 - yFishTankW
Level 3 - ankelRotar
Level 4 - yEngineVib
Level 5 - raphoneKin
Level 6 - rSolomonsW
Level 7 - inesTheArc
Level 8 - hitectSket

Cheat List:
Press ~ while playing to use these cheats:

God: God mode
Weapons: Gives you all weapons
Healthr: Full Health
Ammo: Refills ammunition
Enter “give me a big head” to make the mech have an oversized dome. If you
would like to change your mech's head back to it normal size enter: get my head


Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find PC cheats or Codes for.

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