Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword PC Cheats and Codes

Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword

Console Commands:
During the game press ~ to access the console, then enter the following:

Code Effect:
god G- od mode for player
godteam - God mode for team
godterro - God mode for terrorists
togglehostagethreat - Hostage threat information
playerinvisible - Invisible to terrorists
killrainbow - Kill all Rainbow operatives
neutralizeterro - Kill all terrorists
hna - Next hostage animation
demoplay - Play demo
hpa - Previous hostage animation
quit - Quit game
demorec - Record demo
killhostage - Remove all hostages
killthemall - Remove all NPCs
killterro - Remove all terrorists
godall - All the god modes
hp <0 or 1> - Animate hostage
deactivateiodevice - Deactivate IO devices
walk - Disable flight
godhostage 2 - Disable god mode (hostages)
disablemorality - Disable morality
disarmbombs - Disarm all bombs
ghost - Flight mode
fullammo - Full ammunition
sgi - Game modes
toggleunlimitedpractice - Game never ends
godhostage 1 - God mode for hostages
killpawns - Remove opponents
rescutehostage - Rescue all hostages
resetthreat - Reset hostage threat
resetmeall - Resets all cheats
rendspot - See all terrorists on map
sethpos <0-5> - Set hostage position (0 standing, 1 kneeling, 2 prone, 3 fetal, 4 crouched, 5 random)
routeall - Show all map routes
showfov - Show field of viision
route - Show terrorist/hostage routes
gundirection - Show weapon direction
stopdemo - Stop recording
callterro - Summon all terrorists
trunaway - Terrorists all run away
tnothreat - Terrorists go back to normal
taimedfire - Terrorists only fire at you
tsprayfire - Terrorists shoot wildly
tsurrender - Terrorists surrender on sight
behindview <0 or 1> - Third person view
Unlock all - Unlocks all levels to play
togglethreatinfo - View threat information
togglecollision - Walk through entities



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