Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Urban Operations PC Cheats and Codes

Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Urban Operations

Various Cheats:
During Play press ENTER to get the command widow then put in one of these codes

panickedcolors (Map Draw) AI panicked colors
normalcolors (Map Draw) AI normal colors
roestatecolors (Map Draw) AI ROE colors
roespeedcolors (Map Draw) AI ROE speed colors
combatstatecolors (Map Draw) AI combat state colors
behaviorcolors (Map Draw) AI behavior colors
psychstatecolors (Map Draw) AI psycological state colors
threatawarenesscolors (Map Draw) AI threat awareness colors
awarenessstatecolors (Map Draw) AI aware colors
alertnessstatecolors (Map Draw) AI alertness colors
aiplancolors (Map Draw) AI plan colors
levelmaps (Map Draw) level maps
testplan (Map Draw) test plan
drawplan (Map Draw) plan
pathpointlinks (Map Draw) path point links
coverpoints (Map Draw) cover points
pathpoints (Map Draw) path points
objectwalls (Map Draw) object walls
obstaclewalls (Map Draw) obstacle walls
teamshadow Team Invisible mode
debugkeys Activate debug keys
silentbutdeadly or fastactionresponseteam ?? Fart Mode??
monocle Monocle Mode
turnpunchkick Get 2D Players
1-900 Get Heavy Breathing
clodhopper Get Clodhopper mode
meganoggin Get Mega head mode
bignoggin Get Big head mode
explore Victory Conditions
stumpy Get Stumpy mode
teamgod Get Team god mode
wounddeath ?????

avatargod Make character selected invincible:

nobrainer Turn off AI
theshadowknows Invisible Mode
5fingerdiscount Max Ammo
explore Change victory conditions
teamgod Team invincible



Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find PC cheats or Codes for.

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