Star Trek: Elite Force 2 PC Cheats and Codes

Star Trek: Elite Force 2

Cheat List:
Begin the game with this command line parameter to enable cheats: +set ui_console 1 +set cheats 1. Then press ~ once you begin the game. At the console window, type one of the phrases below to activate the cheat.

Demo: game demo
Freeze the game: game freeze
God mode: god
Have all weapons: give all
Health at 100: health 100
Invisible: notarget
List maps: maplist
List models: modellist
List skins: skinlist
No clipping: noclip
Play game music: playsong
Quit game: quit
Record game: record
Reset game: reset
Show inventory: inventory
Show shaders: shaderlist
Show memory info: meminfo
Show system info: systeminfo
Spawn weapon: give [weapon name]
Stop recording game: stoprecord



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