Star Wars: Droid Works PC Cheats and Codes

Star Wars: Droid Works

Flying Mode on/off, (really really high jumps):
Hit enter, then type in BEEM

Super Speed:

Hit enter, then type in GOGO, then hit enter.

Slow Speed:

Hit enter, then type in Bravo, then hit enter.

Enable All in-game Movies:

message: Hit enter, then type in MST3K, then hit enter.

Enable All Droid Parts:

Hit enter then type in FITTO, then hit enter again.

Enable all Missions:

Hit the enter button then type in SOMONEY, then hit enter again.

Refill Droid Power:

Hit the enter button then type in BEEFCAKE, then hit enter again.

Refill Battery Power:

Hit the enter button then type in STORM, then hit enter again.

Laser Gun:

Hit the enter button then type in LOCKANDLOAD, then hit enter again.


Hit the enter button then type in STAYING ALIVE, then hit enter again.

All Codes:

To use the secret codes, press ENTER, type the code, and press ENTER again.

These are available any time

SOMONEY: enable all missions

DEFCON0: switch selected mission to starting rank

DEFCON1: switch selected mission to novice rank

DEFCON2: switch selected mission to intermediate rank

DEFCON3: switch selected mission to difficult rank

FITTO: enable all parts

MST3K: enable all in-game movies from the Options: Movies screen.

These are only available during missions:

GOGO: droid super-speed

BEEM: toggle flying mode on/off

DANKE: full health (no damage)

TUFFY: invulnerability

GETEM: full inventory

MOTH: toggle console display on/off

UNFO: toggle render status display on/off

KINGME: toggle 1st person view on/off

TARDIS: enable backspace teleport key
(Hold down BACKSPACE and hit a number 1-9 to transport to various areas in the levels)


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