SSX 3 Cheats and Codes


Cheat List:
shoppingspree - All Peak 1 Clothes
graphicdelight - All Boards
naturalconcept - All Artwork
biggerthank7 - All Peaks
myeyesaredim - All Videos
nogluerequired - All Toys
djsuperstar - All Song Tracks
gotitgotitneedit - All Trading Cards
postnobills - All Posters

Cheat: Even More Hidden Characters:
greatwhitenorth - Canhuck
tankengine - Churchill
milkemdaisy - Cudmore
boneyardreject - Gutless
callhimgeorge - North West Legend
betyouveneverseen - Snowballs
windmilldunk - Stretch
finallymadeitin - Unknown Rider

Cheat Codes:
Enter the following codes on the cheat menu:
boneyardreject - Unlock Gutless
callhimgeorge - Unlock North West Legend
windmilldunk - Unlock Stretch
brokenleg - Unlock Jurgen
betyouneverseen - Unlock Snowballs
finallymadeitin - Unlock Unknown Rider
tankengine - Unlock Churchill
greatwhitenorth - Unlock Canhuck
graphicdelight - Unlock all boards
nogluerequired - Unlock all toys
gotitgotitneedit - Unlock all trading cards
postnobills - Unlock all posters
naturalkoncept - Unlock all artwork
myeyesaredim - Unlock all videos
slicksuit - Unlock Hiro
brokenleg - Unlock Jurgen
back2future - Unlock Marty
notsosvelte - Unlock Svelte Luther
wheresyourtail - Unlock Bunny San
shoppingspree - Unlock all Peak 1 clothes
zenmaster - Unlock Brodi
bronco - Unlock Luther
worm - Unlock Eddie

Hint: Unlockable Characters:
Hiro - Collect all the trading cards.
Bunny San - Collect all art.
Snowballs - Complete all Peak 2 goals.
Far East Myth - Get 100% in all mountain stats.
North West Legend - Complete all peak 3 goals.
Stretch - Collect all of the posters.
Unknown Snowboarder - Complete all peak 3 race goals.

Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find PS2 cheats or Codes for.

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