The Incredibles Cheats and Codes

The Incredibles

Cheat List:
Enter these cheats under secrets after pausing:

* One hit kills: KRONOS
* Eye lasers: GAZERBEAM
* Infinite incredi-power for Elastigirl: FLEXIBLE
* Infinite incredi-power for Mr. Incredible: SHOWTIME
* Destroys everything in surroundings: SMARTBOMB
* Speed up gameplay: SASSMODE
* Restore 25% health: UUDDLRLRBAS
* Fire trail: ATHLETESFOOT
* Big heads: EINSTEINIUM
* Small heads: DEVOLVE
* Makes the game 20% easier: BOAPLACE
* HI: introduction sequence
* SpringBreak: Level Select
* ROTAIDALG: battle mode
* EMODE: Bright colors
* GILGENDASH: dash doesn’t damage when running into objects
* BOAPLACE: easier game
* FLEXIBLE: Elastigirl has infinite incredi-power
* TONYLOAF: health appears often
* PINKSLIP: Health remains constant
* DANDRUFF: henchmen always launch death shrapnel
* invertcameraX: horizontal camera control switched
* invertcameraY: vertical camera control switched
* MCTRAVIS: More incredi-power for Mr. Incredible
* LABOMBE: make bombs weaker
* SHOWTIME: Mr. Incredible has infinite incredi-power
* KRONOS: One hit kills
* GAZERBEAM: Shoot out laser for a short period of time
* BWTHEMOVIE: slow motion game
* DEVOLVE: Small heads
* DASHLIKES: temporary infinite incredi-power while playing as dash
* Bhud: toggle hud


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