Family Guy Xbox Cheats and Codes

Family Guy Xbox

Cheat codes:

Weapon upgrades:
Collect the indicated amount of Components to unlock the corresponding weapon upgrades:

Hyper Plasma Ball Lvl 1 and Plasma Artillery Lvl 2: 300 Components
Hyper Plasma Ball Lvl 2 and Shock Wave Lvl 1: 400 Components
Plasma Ball Lvl 1 and Spread Shot Lvl 2: 100 Components
Plasma Ball Lvl 2 and Plasma Artillery Lvl 1: 200 Components
Ray Gun and Spread Shot Lvl 1: 20 Components
Rocket Launcher Lvl 1 and Shock Wave Lvl 2: 500 Components
Rocket Launcher Lvl 2 and Heat Seekers: 600 Components

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