Outlaw Golf 2 Xbox Cheats and Codes

Outlaw Golf 2
Big Head Mode
Cheat Effect
During gameplay hold the Left Trigger and press B, A, B, Y, Back Big Head mode
Big Boobs Mode
During gameplay
Cheat Effect
Hold L+B,Up,Up,B,Y,Up BIG Boobs
Bouncy and Sticky Balls
During gameplay, enter the following:
Cheat Effect
Hold L + Up, Up, A, Up, Up, B, Up, Up, X Make ball extra bouncy
Hold L + Down, Down B, Down, Down, X, Down, Down, A Ball has no bounce or roll
Perfect Shot
In Exhibition Mode, while aiming, enter the following:
Cheat Effect
Hold L+A, B, A, A, B, White, B, A Perfect shot
Change Ball Size
While in aiming mode (these can be done more than once)
Cheat Effect
Hold L+ Up, Up, Up, Back Bigger Ball
Hold L+ Down, Down, Down, Back Smaller Ball
Extra Beat Token
During Gameplay (Exhibition only)
Cheat Effect
Hold (L)+ White, White, Black, Black, Y Extra Beat Token
Misc. Codes
Make a new file and enter in one of the following names.
Cheat Effect
release all golfers Unlock all characters
release all clubs Unlock all clubs
release all courses Unlock all courses
I Have No Time Unlock all movies, characters, clubs and events

Outlaw Golf 2 Passwords

Change Tour Difficulty
Create a New File with one of the following names:
Password Effect
Iron Man 93 Harder Tour Mode
Mr. Chicken 93 Easier Tour Mode

Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find Xbox cheats or Codes for.

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