Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Xbox Cheats and Codes

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

Cheat Menu

During a game pause by pressing the Start button, then HOLD DOWN the L and R triggers and press the White button to bring up the cheat menu. Then select cheats as desired.

Secret Coup de Grace's

These are alternate coup de grace's for each character that you can enter instead of the random on-screen one. They get you two bars of adrenaline instead of just one, but they seem to have odd timing's so they're more difficult to do. If you don't know how to do a coup de grace you do it by first freezing an enemy by either using your pistols alternate or using your melee, then lock on and get close to them with your melee out and enter the combination.

Cheat Effect
x, y, left trigger, right trigger, left trigger, up, up, down Torgr
x, y, left trigger + right trigger, down, down, up Szalor
x, y, right trigger, down, up, up Sobek
x, y, down, a, a, left trigger, right trigger Selket
x, y, up, down, left trigger, a Saphire
x, y, down, left, up, right, right trigger Raptor
x, y, up, down, down, down, a Raiden
x, y, down, up, a, left trigger Malcolm
x, y, left, right, right trigger Lauren
x, y, right, a, left trigger + right trigger, a Gorge
x, y, up, left, down, right, left trigger Devastation
x, y, right, left, a, a Brock
x, y, right, a, a, a, left Arc-lite
x, y, up, a, right trigger Anubis

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