Whacked! Xbox Cheats and Codes


Password Cheats

Enter these passwords as a Profile Name within Gameshow mode:

Password Effect
AROUNDDAWORLD All Arenas, Movies & Weapons
FOODFIGHT All Characters & Food Products
DOUBLEDOUBLE Unlock all Characters and Movies
TIMEFORCHAOS All weapons and movies


Unlockable How to Unlock
Play as Lance To play as Lance, successfully complete Stage 1
Play as Otto To play as Otto, successfully complete Stage 3
Play as Charity To play as Charity, successfully complete Stage 2
Play as Food Products (Battle Mode only) To play as a food product, successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty. Now go to Battle Mode, place the cursor on anyone except Lucky, Lucy, and Lance, press the white button, and they will become a food product
Play as Van (Battle Mode only) To play as Van in Battle Mode, complete the last level of the game.

Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find Xbox cheats or Codes for.

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