Dragon Throne: Battle of Red Cliffs PC Cheats and Codes

Battle of Red Cliffs

Cheat Codes:
During gameplay, press Enter and type in any of the following codes:

Code - Effect:
{ineedrice} - Get Rice
{ineedfood} - Get Food
{ineedwine} - Get Wine
{ineediron} - Get Iron
{ineedall} - Get All Items
{ineedopenfog} - Disable Fog of War
{fps} - Show Frame Rate
{levelup} - Level Up
{levelmax} - Max Level
{superman_ex} - God Mode
{speed_ex} - Increase Game Speed
{levelmax} - Get Wood
{ineedmeat} - Get Meat

Choose any given letter by the game title you need to find PC cheats or Codes for.

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