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Sarkozy vows to defend the French identity

Paris: With a 21-gun salute booming out from Hotel des Invalides, where Napoleon Bonaparte lies buried, Nicolas Sarkozy was today formally installed at the Elysee Palace as the sixth President of France's Fifth Republic established in 1958. At a ceremony at the Elysee presidential palace, the outgoing President Jacques Chirac handed over the codes for the country's nuclear deterrent, which can be activated only by the head of state. "The people have given me a mandate. I will carry it out. I will carry it out scrupulously, with the desire to be worthy of the trust that the French have placed in me," the new President said in a 10-minute televised address. "I will defend the independence, the identity of France. I will ensure respect for state authority, and above all, its impartiality. There is a demand for change.

Final Fantasy XIII Franchise To Last For A decade. At Least.

Square Enix has big plans for its Final Fantasy XIII franchise. In a recent interview, Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto confessed that the FFXIII should be a gaming gem for around 10 years.

The producer unveiled its plans in an interview for Nintendo Dream, translated by IGN:"Different from something like VII, which we expanded upon afterwards, with Fabula Nova Crystallis FFXIII, we've thought about an expansive world setting from the start. Under the idea of wanting everyone to be sucked into the world for 10 years, we're preparing a number of categories." Expanding the Final Fantasy XIII on multiple platforms and for some years to come was an expected move. Square Enix had already taste success when doing the same thing with Final Fantasy VII.However, stretching Final Fantasy XIII for a decade seems a bit too much and nobody should be amazed if players begin getting bored of the whole thing altogether.

When the Static Stops

You are driving down the highway, and as you get farther and farther from the city you get more and more frustrated as your favorite radio station becomes impossible to make out over all the static.

Every day we travel down the highway of life. And every day we are being broadcast to. Yet there are times that we are tuned in and the reception is perfect and other times that we are so far away that all we hear is static. There are even times we hear nothing, because we have forgotten to turn the radio on.

I understood that I am meant to be a solid link in the chain The Chassidic commentator, the Beit Yaakov, explains that the giving of the Torah thirty three hundred years ago was not a one-time event. Like a radio broadcast, G‑d is giving us the Torah over and over, day after day after day.

Timeshift Bound for PS3

Sierra Entertainment, a division of Vivendi Games, recently announced that TimeShift will be available on Playstation 3 this Sepetember having debuted at Sony’s Gamer’s Week event in San Diego, California last Thursday (5/17/07). TimeShift is a first-person shooter video game that immerses the player in the shoes of main character Colonel Michael Swift, and equips you with a unique quantum suit that slows, stops, and reverses the flow of time. With a robust multiplayer experience, gamers can take the time control powers online with up to 16 players battling it out across seven game modes. In addition, gamers can customize their own game mode using over 60 options with a total of 14 multiplayer maps to choose from. "Sierra Entertainment and Sabre Interactive are changing the way gamers play FPS games by giving them the ultimate weapon – Time," said Al Simone, SVP of Global Marketing for Sierra Entertainment. "TimeShift will compete with the best shooter games of the year on any platform and will offer Playstation 3 gamers a visceral new experience unlike any they have ever seen or played before."

TimeShift will be playable on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC with a release date slated for late September. Stick with Mygamer.com for all your gaming needs.

Students trek the world in eight days

Narges Ali, 17, shyly walked across the Lakota East stage Friday wearing traditional Afghan attire called Gand Afghani.

Without her traditional head covering, Narges said she felt odd, but she wore the sparkling outfit to educate her peers on her family's culture and traditions.

The Lakota East Multicultural Club hosted Around the World in Eight Days, a series of assemblies designed to educate students and raise money and awareness for the organization Free the Slaves. The fashion show was the culmination of the series that featured Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

"There are so many ethnic differences in America now-a-days, and a lot of times it causes friction," said Exenia Rocco, 16. "Exposing people to what they don't understand can bridge gaps and create tolerance and acceptance and reduce the friction."

The fashion show, planned by junior Morgan Namian, was a way for students to see the various kinds of dress, she said.


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