Dark Sector

Dark Sector
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PS3 Gamers Day: Naughty Dog Embraces The Uncharted

Graphics dont mean everything. This is proven time over with every single game that continues to fuel the Wiis success. But in all likeness, the Wii isnt the only one with games that happen to focus more on gaming than graphics. Naughty Dogs latest project goes above and beyond to deliver more than just beautiful visuals.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune is one of those rare games that really delves into the adventure of adventure gaming. It takes a little bit from the later Broken Sword games, a little bit from generic third-person shooters, and a little bit from Tomb Raider. The result is nothing short of play-worthy, and I honestly have to say that compared to other triple-A titles (i.e., Lair, Heavenly Sword, Dark Sector, &c.) Naughty Dogs Uncharted is looking a lot more inspired by comparison.

Dark Sector screens on web

Some new info and screens have slipped out about upcoming game Dark Sector. The game's due for release in Autumn of this year and sees you playing Hayden Tenno, an assassin sent into the Eastern European city of Lasria. Once there, he's attacked by an unknown enemy and finds himself with an infection that gives him superhuman abilities.

It'll be interesting to see how this one pans out. I think it was the first next-gen console game footage that I saw. It was a little different back then, featuring a futuristic player running around a spaceship ruthlessly dispatching soldiers. I think it's normally a good sign when the developers are willing to do a radical re-design. It can show that they're willing to scrap a concept that just isn't working for them. I remain cautiously optimistic about this one.

Date Posted: 12:38pm Subject: Dark Sector Interview

Firing Squad shot up an interview with Ass. Producer Dave Kudirka to learn more about Digital Extremes' Dark Sector. FiringSquad: First, Dark Sector began development as a space based MMORPG and later as a sci-fi action game. What cause the various changes in genre and why was Dark Sector finally set for a near future action game design?

Dave Kudirka: We've been through quite a few different iterations of the game over the past few years, but the one thing that has remained constant is our protagonist, Hayden Tenno. This game is about him evolving and becoming and Superhero, and that has influenced all of our decisions. The futuristic environments didn't quite provide the contrast we were looking for between Hayden and his surroundings—he seemed less impressive to us as a guy in a space suit fighting other guys in space suits…in space.

Dark Sector Fact Sheet Released

In a recent press release, D3Publisher of America, Inc sent out an interesting fact sheet about the upcoming video game Dark Sector. Created by developer Digital Extremes, Dark Sector is a new and original action-thriller designed exclusively for next-generation consoles. A dark, gritty experience packed with fast action, incredible superpowers and an engaging story, Dark Sector thrusts players into the role of Hayden Tenno, an elite black-ops agent sent on a dangerous assassination mission into Lasria – an Eastern European city on the brink of ruin that hides a deadly Cold War secret.

KEY FEATURES: • All-New, Original Action Title – Built from the ground-up specifically for next-generation consoles, Dark Sector offers an original storyline that absorbs players in one of the most cinematic and emotionally-gripping 3rd person action game to date.


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