Enchant Arm

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Triathlon: Monaco Ironman 70.3 presented by CAL Investments Ltd.

Cameron Brown will run the Formula 1 of Triathlons on 2 September: the 3rd Monaco Ironman 70.3 presented by CAL Investments Ltd.

One of the most consistent athletes in triathlon will be in Monte Carlo in September: New Zealands Cameron Brown will compete in Monaco, six weeks ahead of the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. In this last test before World Champs, he will run against fellow Ironman World Champion hopefuls, such as Marcel Zamora, winner of last years Monaco Ironman 70.3, back to defend his title!

Cameron Brown has a long list of top results in Triathlon. Besides many wins in short distance races, Brown has won six Ironman races. But he is even stronger on the 70.3 distance: He has finished first 9 times in Ironman 70.3 over the past eight years.. At the Ironman World Championship in Kona he placed in the top ten in 5 years: in 2006 he placed 8th, he came in third two times (2002 and 2003) and he placed second two times in 2001 and in 2005.

Resident Evil 4 Released on PC - Posted by Kyle on Saturday, May 19th

Resident Evil 4 for the PC has shipped to retailers nationwide. Voted as Game of the Year in 2005 on Game Freaks 365, Resident Evil 4 is the latest installment in Capcom's critically acclaimed survival horror franchise, resident evil. The game has an ESRB rating of "M for Mature and an MSRP of $19.99.

"Ubisoft is excited to be bringing one of the industry's most innovative titles, resident evil 4, which has been recognized by many publications and organizations as the best game of the year for 2005, to PC gamers, said Tony Key, vice president of marketing at Ubisoft U.S. Resident Evil 4 was previously released on the GameCube and PlayStation 2, and is coming to the Nintendo Wii next month.

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Enchanted Arms Review

May 16, 2007 - When Enchanted Arms was released on the Xbox 360 late last year, it filled a much needed void on the console; a straight-up Japanese RPG complete with the obligatory androgynous characters, clever battle system, over-the-top boss fights and epic quest. At that time, I completed the game and enjoyed myself immensely even given the fact that the game also featured incredibly annoying characters and voice-work, fetch quests and backtracking galore, as well as so-so graphics and a story that left me uninspired. What I liked then, and what I still think is Enchanted Arms' strongest selling point, is its clever battle system which is a perfect cross between a traditional RPG and a strategy RPG. The battle system rewards players for shrewdly planning their attack and makes each battle (even now after two play-throughs) seems fresh and fun.

Restored to original glory

ARCHITECTS draft lines; that's what they do. But for a city as historically divided as Puducherry, the blueprints take on a life of their own. In the old French Quarter (Ville Blanche) affluence abounds. The infrastructure is good, the heritage well maintained and renovations can't begin without official consent.

The region's impassioned authority on heritage restoration, Ajit Koujalgi — both UNESCO Asian representative and the chair to the local chapter of INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Preservation) — has ensured this state of affairs. It has been a hard-won fight.

INTACH's new head office in the Tamil Quarter.

Subtle ambience

"I don't think anymore than five or 10 percent of the original heritage has been saved in the past 25 years," says Ajit.

BAE to Acquire Armor Holdings for $4.53B

When BAE Systems divested itself of its 20% stake in Airbus, many observers wondered where the money would go. CEO Michael Turner's statement that: "We believe that now is the right time for us to divest our Airbus shareholding to... concentrate on our core transatlantic defence and aerospace strategy" left much to the imagination. An aircraft life-cycle maintenance play? A key components & electronics supplier like DRS or Honeywell? An armored vehicle firm like Force Protection to enhance the position it had built through its $4 billion acquisition of United Defense LP?

It would appear that BAE will use the equivalent of its entire $2.3 billion (EUR 1.7 billion net) Airbus proceeds, and more besides, to acquire Armor Holdings of Jacksonville, FL. The deal will be a one-step merger at a price per common share of $88.00, a 7% premium over Armor holdings' May 4th closing price of $82.15.


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