F.E.A.R. Extraction Point

F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
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VIDEOGAMES: Nintendo's Wii system

The folks at Nintendo are either crazy or crazy genius.

What else can you say about a company that unveils its flagship video game console the same week that global behemoth Sony launches the PS3, a marketing juggernaut that spurred frenzied bidding on eBay, multi-day camping trips to electronics retailers and made people willing to shoot and steal to get their hands on what may be the most highly anticipated video gaming machine ever made?

FEAR Extraction Point Review

You've gotta love a game that encourages you to run up on any enemy with guns blazing in slow motion, all the while cackling like a madman. In that way, the expansion pack for Monolith's FPS masterpiece F.E.A.R. gets it right.In another key way, and here I'm referring to story and plot, it doesn't. Timegate, the developers for F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, actually got it W.R.O.N.G. There basically isn't any story or plot. Your nameless character is left to attempt an escape from the clone-trooper-ridden city of Auburn with the two characters from the original game, the demolitions expert Holladay and the medical expert Jin.I know what F.E.A.R. veterans are thinking: Wait a sec, how can the city be clone-ridden if the dude controlling them was taken out by the player's character in the original game? That's because for some bizarro-world reason, Paxton Fettel is back.

In Other News...

November 09, 2006 - Picked up 'Gears yesterday for a price that would Mark Rein proud. I guess his crusade against $60 next-gen games is working! That, or Fry's just has low prices. I also snagged a big-ass set of Xbox 5.1 surround sound headphones that are pretty thumpin. I set my 360 up next to my PC with my old LCD/TV. Yesterday was the first time I've even turned the 360 on in like 5-6 months. I gotta say that with the right games, I might be able to get into this whole console craze. Aside from PGR 3, Gears of War is the only great exclusive game the system has (to me, at least). That's not to say there aren't a lot of other great games on the 360, but they're also on the PC (which I'd rather play on 95% of the time).

'Gears is an experience all onto itself. Other than the whole "it uses a cover system, has cool effects and includes lots of bad guys" I came in not knowing anything about what Gears of War actually was.

Tech Toys 2006, Part 4: Computers and Computer Accessories

For all the talk about non-PC devices these days, PCs remain the workhorses of the connected home. And with good reason: PCs are the ultimate multitaskers, offering a virtually unlimited range of functionality and usefulness. Best of all, prices are down across the board, whether you're looking at desktop systems or more portable notebook computers.

Desktop Computers
In 2006, Intel made the transition to the Core 2 Duo processor, a 64-bit dual-core powerhouse that will define mainstream computing for at least the next year. Whether you prefer PC or Mac, the Core 2 Duo processor is the way to go on mid-level and high-level systems. It leaves previous-generation Intel and AMD processors in the dust. This is a sharp change from last year, when AMD's designs were more efficient and powerful.

Resistance: Fall of Man ( First Impressions )

It seems odd that it's taken this long for somebody in the first-person shooter genre to inject a little imagination into the weapons that actually do the first-person shooting, but it's not very surprising to see Insomniac doing it. After all, the Ratchet & Clank platform games have become increasingly gun- and combat-centric as the series has progressed precisely because they're the things for which Insomniac has discovered it has an aptitude. Resistance: Fall of Man, which also offers 40-player online battles, could just be a case of finally letting them run wild. The context and the technology simply elevate their potential.


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