God Of War II PS2

God Of War II PS2
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Sony's God of War II orgy - shocking

We haven't seen a really controversial Sony PR stunt since their ill-advised PSP adverts, in which a white woman loomed over a petrified-looking black girl, with the slogan, "PlayStation Portable White is coming." Before that, Sony had to apologise and subsequently withdraw an advertising campaign for the PlayStation, which featured a man wearing a crown of thorns with the slogan "Ten years of passion". Not to mention the PSP billboard ad that advised consumers at train stations to "Take a running jump from here". The shock tactics used by Sony in their advertising campaigns create a great deal of publicity. A quick apology, and it's all forgotten, then onto the next one. So, it was no surprise when we discovered that the company are at it again, this time in an effort to promote the PS2 version of God Of War II.

Shack Interview: God of War: Chains of Olympus - Monday, May 21st ...

Amidst all the commotion of Sony's Gamers Day last week, I was able to corner God of War: Chains of Olympus creative director Cory Barlog, also the director of God of War II, and game director Ru Weerasuriya to discuss Ready at Dawn's upcoming PSP version of the popular PS2 series. The interview covered a wide range of topics, from the untapped power of the PSP to the Olsen twins and sacrificial goats, so be sure to check it out. Shack: How much further do you think you can push the PSP hardware?

Ru Weerasuriya: I think we can still push it further. I can't quantify it, but it's just like those guys did with--I'll equate it to PS2. There's a point I remember when some guys were saying, "the PS2 is empty, we've taken everything, all the juice out of PS2" and God of War came out and it was like bam, really cool.

Your picks on the best ever PlayStation games: Do you agree?

The other day, as I plugged in my PS3, I got nostalgic about PSOne games. I threw out my list and you've thrown back me some thoughts. So now nail for me your favourite PS2 games. God of War II that I was playing this week and raving about will make my top 10.

Here are some of your comments so far:

Chris began his email by quoting me: "Your picks; Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy VII, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Tekken, Tomb Raiser and Wipeout...Spot on fella!"

Thanks Chris. You must be my alter-ego! We must go multiplayer sometime.

Seriously there certainly were other views. Fantom3X Online Gamer also kindly said my list was "spot on" but added some more: Silent Hill, Suikoden hadn't heard of that Japanese RPG!, Vandal Hearts, Final Fantasy 8, Spyro and Tekken.

God of War: Chains of Olympus Interview

"God of War: Chains of Olympus is about Cory Barlog," opens God of War: Chains of Olympus creative director and God of War II director Cory Barlog. "It's a Cory Barlog story about Cory Barlog taking down Cory Barlog. But Barbie Horse Adventure somehow factors in. There is Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen--"

"Shhhh," interjects the game's director and co-founder of developer Ready at Dawn, Ru Weerasuriya. "Don't talk about that project."

"It's supposed to be our secret," Barlog continues. "And My Little Pony. All secret."

With Barlog once again highlighting underappreciated licensed games, thus begins my impromptu chat with two of the leading men behind Ready at Dawn's upcoming God of War: Chains of Olympus for the PSP.

A prequel set ten years before SCE Santa Monica's original God of War, the PSP version looks virtually identical to its PS2 brethren and retains all the chaos and brutal on-screen action the series is known for.


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