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Aspyr ships Civ IV: Warlords expansion pack

Aspyr Media on Tuesday announced the release of Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords, an expansion pack for the popular turn-based strategy game released for the Mac earlier this year.

The first expansion pack for Sid Meier's Civilization IV, Warlords delivers eight new scenarios and a new "Warlord" unit based on some of history's greatest military leaders.

There's lots more, too: New civilizations, new leaders, new units and new "wonders" that help your civilization strive for world domination are all included. More unique buildings have been added, along with many items not available in the core game. Features have been expanded and tweaks have been made to the core gameplay.

Rated E10 (for everyone 10 and older) by the ESRB, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords costs $29.99.

Cheap Eastern Europe development "gone"

According to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl project lead Anton Bolshakov, the days of cut-price development in Eastern Europe are well over, with project costs now lifted into line with the rest of the gaming world.

"The time when development here was cheap is now gone, so our budgets for development are now comparable to European or American budgets," said GSC Game World's Bolshakov, speaking in Ukrainian capital Kiev at a showing of his near-final game.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, an open-ended FPS, has been much delayed. The title was originally pegged for a 2004 release and is now slated to hit in March 2007. An extended development period of at least five years has been tough for the company, despite its traditionally low-cost location.

"For any developer it's important to have a big, well-established partner like THQ to work with," said Bolshakov.

Half Life 2: Episode 2 Delayed

Doug Lombardi of Valve today revealed to CVG that Half Life 2: Episode 2's release has been pushed back. Originally slated to release at the end of 2006, the release date recently slipped to Q1 2007. With this second delay the "target" date is now set for Summer 2007, though there's certainly no guarantee that Half Life 2: Episode 2 won't be delayed again.

While specific reasons weren't given for the delay, additional time was likely needed to smooth out the kinks in the composite package. Half Life 2: Episode 2 will include Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Half Life 2: Episode 1 is set to release on Xbox 360 and PS3 early in 2007.

by David Radd Comments or questions? Send them to editor@gamedaily.com .

New Witch-King Screenshots

Electronic Arts has released new screenshots from "The Lord of Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king," giving viewers more of a look at the upcoming RTS expansion by EA Pacific. "Full of exciting content, including an entirely new faction, completely new single player campaign, and additional units for all six existing factions, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II, The Rise of the Witch-king, allows players to explore the evil side of Middle-earth. The all new single player campaign's innovative units will help to tell the story of the evil Witch-king's rise to power, domination of Angmar and invasion of the great kingdom of Arnor, home to Aragorn's ancestors. To fully experience the evil side of Middle-earth, gamers can now play as the Angmar faction in skirmish, multiplayer, and War of the Ring modes." .

Xbox sales trail forecasts

Bloomberg.co.uk is reporting this morning that sales of the Xbox in the USA trailed Analysts expectations by 33%, for the month of November. Microsoft apparently shifted 468,000 units, whilst Industry business boffin Bob Austrian (Banc of America Securities) had predicted sales of 700,000.

"Industry growth rates, for both consoles and video games, may be slowing, or at least, seasonally weaker than expected," Austrian commented.

Microsoft spokesperson Molly O'Donnell reacted by suggesting that the latest NPD data was inaccurate, as it excludes sales from Wal-Mart stores, the USA's largest games retailer. Xbox sales through Wal-Mart had apparently doubled in November, according to O'Donnell.

Shares in Microsoft fell slightly at the news, whilst the likes of EA and Activision also saw a decline.

Xfire 1.66 - Instant Messenger fr Online-Spieler

Xfire ist ein kostenloses Tool, das in der Lage, ist aufzuzeichnen zu welchem Zeitpunkt man welches Computerspiel gespielt hat und erlaubt es Clanspielern auf diese Weise nachzuvollziehen, wo sich ihre Kameraden gerade aufhalten, so dass sie gezielt dem Spiel des Kollegen beitreten knnen. Die Software verfgt zustzlich ber eine Reihe von interessanten Features. Man kann beispielsweise im Spiel auf die fr Instant Messenger bliche Art und Weise miteinander kommunizieren. Seit der letzten neuen Version ist nun sogar erstmals testweise ein Sprach-Chat-Feature eingebaut, dass es Spielern erlaubt sich direkt per Sprache miteinander zu unterhalten. Alles in allem kombiniert Xfire Chat-Programm, Server-Browser und Gaming Service in einer Software und macht so die bisher einzeln bentigten Programme berflssig.

The War On Freedom Continues

It boggles the mind that in a world where passports and ID are crucial components of security and safety that the Department of Homeland Security and its counterpart in the UK would be putting radio transmitters (RFID chips) in passports that broadcast your identity.

Agencies claim that the “super secure" biometric passports couldn't be cracked. But activist hackers have shown that with just $300 worth of equipment you can read the data from a person's passport from across the room, steal their identity, clone it to a new counterfeit passport and give it to a criminal or terrorist.

Who saw this coming? Actually, a lot of people.

This vulnerability was demonstrated 48 hours after the new passports hit the streets.

Gamers join Holy War

A QUEENSLAND-based games developer looks like rewriting the record books. Creative Assembly, a company owned by Sega with offices in Fortitude Valley, is releasing Medieval Total War 2 and not only does the game look like being a corker, but it is also on track to being the largest selling PC game developed in Australia.

The game will feature a cavalcade of 3D combatants from a pivotal period in world history. The game's focus will be on the years 1080 to 1530, with battles taking place in Europe, the Middle East and even the freshly discovered Americas. Medieval will feature more unusual factions this time like the Aztecs, as well as the usual European and Middle Eastern powers.

The game will feature an in-depth strategic campaign mode as well as massive real-time battles as you try to prevail in a particular region.

Sam and Max - Culture Shock Review

We've talked a lot about episodic gaming here on the site, considering both the good and the bad. The concerns of users, and the words of gaming commentators, focus on the limitations of the format. "Don't break up a game just to charge us more for it" is the prevalent thinking. The 'march of progress' has allowed game companies to come up with plenty of new ways to get our money, so it's an understandable fear. Until last month, though, I had never considered the possibility that the very essence of the episodic game may allow us to reflect on the past as well as the future. In the latest and most dramatic of retro-gaming coups, Sam and Max have returned to the modern PC landscape. They're colourful, they're wry, and their antics are very, very funny. Read on for my impressions of this first episode in the new Sam and Max series, and why I have high hopes for their future wacky antics.



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