Just Cause

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Just Cause developer picks up PathEngine

PathEngine is very pleased to announce that their SDK for intelligent agent movements just got upgraded. On top of that, the company is also very proud that Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios took notice of their program and will be using it for future multi-platform projects.

The software, that goes by the same name as its developer, is aimed to implement points-of-visibility pathfinding on three-dimensional ground meshes. The latest version, v5.05, includes support for the generation of pathfinding ground meshes, directly from un-marked-up 3D scene representations. With the inclusion of arbitrary polygon soups, run-time, and resulting movements becomes much easier to understand.

Furthermore, Avalanche Studios, wouldn't divulge yet the title or the nature of its upcoming title.

Incoherent Ramblings of a Staffer

Even as I write this ramble of doom, I'm using a computer. I help administrate servers and workstations at work, and as part of my job at The Triangle is to manage our server and the computers that are used to produce the paper that you see in front of you. Some people think that just because I am essentially a computer guru, I wouldn't hate computers, but they are half of my bane of existence. Yes, half - a whole 50 percent of all of my hate. There are other things, but they don't make up half of what computers bring to my life.

Computers bring easy to our lives. They make communication instantaneous; they bring the world's information to our fingertips at a moment's notice (when you can remember what you want to search for - but that's another ramble). But what people don't think about is that pain and agony that people go through to make the end-user's life easier, and sometimes the non-end-users.

Resistance: Fall of Man ( First Impressions )

It seems odd that it's taken this long for somebody in the first-person shooter genre to inject a little imagination into the weapons that actually do the first-person shooting, but it's not very surprising to see Insomniac doing it. After all, the Ratchet & Clank platform games have become increasingly gun- and combat-centric as the series has progressed precisely because they're the things for which Insomniac has discovered it has an aptitude. Resistance: Fall of Man, which also offers 40-player online battles, could just be a case of finally letting them run wild. The context and the technology simply elevate their potential.

Guild Wars Nightfall gets Skill List update

Been havin' a blast playing Nightfall, haven't you? Good, because from here on, your Guild Wars gameplay will only get better baby, and NCSoft is out to prove to you just how.

What are we talking about exactly? Well, as you guys have probably noticed, Nightfall adds a ton of new features to the world of Guild Wars. And even after the game manual has been sent to the press, NCSoft simply won't quit improving the game for their users because now, they have just come out with new features for Nightfall which were designed after the manual went to press.

Meaning, these new features have not been documented anywhere but in the game's site. If you head over to their site, you'll see that the Nightfall section has just been expanded, donning new documents and articles on the following aspects of Nightfall:
How Heroes WorkSkill TemplatesUpdated Skill TypesCollectors in NightfallSunspear and Lightbringer Title TracksAcquiring Hero SkillsFavor of the Gods
If you wanna find out more, all ya gotta do is click on the read link below.

Guild Wars Nightfall: info on Dervishes and Paragons

So you just bought your copy of Nightfall. You head straight to your PC, update it with the latest Guild Wars campaign, and check out the latest additions to the Guild Wars profession family: the Dervish and the Paragon.

Now, you might have read my article about using 'em in PvP combat, but if you're not entirely familiar with these two new professions, you might get a thing or two here.

Dervishes, according to the Guild Wars official site, "have the ability to clear out the crowd." These scythe-wielding characters have the ability to deal damage to "three adjacent foes combined" because of their Dervish Enchantments. Add to that their "Condition-applying skills," and you got one mean tank slash nuker (rumor has it that this guys' scythe has "a higher maximum damage than any other weapon in the game").

This panel can't interpret its way out of a paper bag

Clarity is not always a byproduct of lawmaking, but sometimes the Legislature crafts wording that's clear when read by the average Texan. It gets convoluted only when partisan bureaucrats start "interpreting" it.

Or refusing to interpret it.

Case in point: the Texas Ethics Commission's recent opinion that a state official need not disclose on a personal finance report the value of a gift worth more than $250.

Let us review: Mega-rich Houston homebuilder and GOP moneybags Bob Perry gives former Dallas lawmaker Bill Ceverha $100,000 just 'cause he likes the guy. Ceverha isn't running for office, so apparently the two checks for $50,000 each didn't qualify as political contributions, which must be reported with the specific amount.

After all, what's a hundred large between buddies?

Because it was a personal gift, the Ethics Commission determined that Ceverha didn't need to disclose the amounts written on the lines above Perry's signature.

PC Game Review: Just Cause

When I saw that Eidos Interactive, who simultaneously cured my Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion addiction and sparked my Tomb Raider: Legend addiction, was taking a crack at a sandbox-style shoot-em-up called Just Cause, I got a little tingle in my bottom.

I usually find that if I like one game by a particular publisher, I tend to like most of them. So I plunged headlong into the life and times of our hero Rico Rodriguez, a smooth-talking and damn-near-indestructible CIA black ops agent.

In this first installment of Rico’s exploits, he’s busting up the corrupt regime of Salvador Mendoza (sorta like Manuel Noriega, a demagogue of a country sorta like Panama, in a game whose name sorta sounds like Operation Just Cause, the United States’ invasion of Panama - does anyone see a connection here?)

Let me start by saying - this game isn't for everyone.

Hail to the truth! Gamers want gambling, not games, apparently

You know, we usually ignore those generic, "here's all the top toys kids want this year" lists that seem to sprout from every morning TV show, newspaper, and - least trustworthy of all - retailer. However, sometimes we get a list that can't be ignored because it just doesn't make any damn sense. This morning, search engine Lycos distributed its list of the top ten most searched for toys and video games this season:

The Top 10 Most Searched Toys this holiday season

1. Poker
2. Pokemon
3. iPod
4. Neopets
5. Barbie
6. Harry Potter
7. Blackjack
8. Baccarat
9. Bratz
10. PlayStation 3

The Top 10 Most Searched Video Games this holiday season

1. RuneScape
2. Naruto

Battle of the Boxes

Video gamers are no doubt aware of the heated battle under way between the three gaming heavyweights” Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo” as the trio are now facing off with their respective next-generation hardware.

Microsoft was first out the gate a year ago with its Xbox 360 console, but Sony just launched its eagerly anticipated PlayStation 3 on Nov. 17, followed by Nintendo’s new Wii (pronounced "we") on Nov. 19.Because you’re likely to buy just one machine” if any” which will it be? Or will you wait until prices drop and more games are available for each new console?Not an easy decision to make, but the following should help clarify some key differences between the three gaming consoles.Microsoft Xbox 360The Xbox 360 ($299.99 for core system; $399 for pro bundle) is the first gaming machine capable of displaying high-definition graphics.



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