Resident Evil 4

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Lock and load with gifts for gamers

If you think a Wii is something to take after you've had too much to drink, you probably need this list of video-game gift ideas. Just look below for the brand of system that your favorite gamer has, and you'll find recommendations that are sure to please. Most games cost $30 to $60. Be sure to check the rating before you buy to make sure your choice is appropriate for the recipient. .

Games Ripe For "Reverse Product Placement"?

If I asked you how you felt about seeing product placement of real world products in your games or movies, you'd probably get all pissy about it. But what about the reverse? Would seeing items that first appeared in-game be available for purchase at your corner store something you're interested in? My guess is that you'd be cool with that—depending on the property.

That's the opportunity that the Harvard Business Review and David Edery (who also just happens to be an Xbox Live Arcade product planner) say we could see more of in the future. Edery points to two examples, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from Harry Potter and the Suntory/Square-Enix Final Fantasy Potion collaboration, as good indicators of how "reverse product placement" can work.

This seems to happen not that infrequently in Japan, where companies like Capcom will release an entire wardrobe line "inspired" by the outfits of Resident Evil 4's Leon Kennedy for example, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it gain traction on a global scale.

Game of the Year Tournament 2006 Underway - Posted by Kyle on ...

The Game of the Year Tournament 2006 is now underway. Voting has begun to select this year's Game of the Year as 64 games face off against each other across virtually every platform. Voting will take place daily with a new match every midnight on the homepage until we have a Game of the Year. Unlike some other sites, we aren't stuck on our own opinions. We let you, the viewer, decide your own Game of the Year. Today's match pins #1 seed Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess against #16 seed The Rub Rabbits. Sega will need to pull a rabbit out of a hat to pull this one off.

This tradition is four years old and dates back to when we started Game Freaks 365. The best games from the Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox fought each other in a tournament of 32 games. Super Mario Sunshine came out victorious over Metroid Prime to win the first Game of the Year Tournament.

Parents group offers game advice

US parents advise group the Family Media Guide are offering online a guide to the 'adult content' videogames being released prior to the festive season, offering parents a concise guide to the games being launched so that guardians can make their own decisions about what titles to purchase from little Johnny's Christmas list. Indeed, whilst parents groups have in the past got rather hot under the collar about videogaming matters, the advice offered by the Media Guide appears considered, somewhat unbiased and most importantly pretty accurate. On their official website, those behind the Guide compare their PSVratings system with the ESRB's, which takes an "industry association-based review approach which assigns ratings based upon the subjective opinions of three individuals who do not even play the game".

E3 for Metal Gear 3

Hideo Kojima let slip recently that Konami's third in the massive Metal Gear Solid series will be revealed in full to the industry hordes attending E3 next May. E3 will be held in LA, but never fear, for the public as well as the press will be privy to the much anticipated inveiglement.

Kojima wouldn't let slip any further details on the game, but did confirm that he's interested in looking into how a Metal Gear game might function online. More as we get it.


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