Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
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Logitech G5 Battlefield 2142 Edition Gaming Mouse Review

If you are in the market for a new gaming mouse that not only performs well, but look really cool too you need to check out the special Battlefield 2142 edition of the Logitech G5 gaming mouse.

This mouse has a 2000 dpi laser sensor and allows you to adjust the sensitivity on-the-fly during game play. The BF2142 edition of the G5 shares all the features of the normal G5 mouse, it just looks better. More @ source.

Rainbow Six 4 revealed

Ubisoft have announced today that Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 4 is in development, and should be out next spring featuring a darker plotline, and all manner of enhancements. The PC, PS2 and Xbox are mooted as the format's of choice. Long-standing Tom Clancy game creators Red Storm and Ubisoft Montreal will create this new outing as part of a team effort.

The improbably named Ding Chavez and Dieter Weber will be two new playable characters available for the player's selection. Online-wise, an Xbox exclusive career mode and a PS2 exclusive multiplayer rivalry mode will both feature, not to mention new objects to discover and a new graphics engine on the PS2. Much of the game will be based on Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, we're told. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, the latest bearing the brand, will be out in March 2005.

Blizzard Launches World of Warcraft Stats

Blizzard has opened up the info they gather on player trends in World of Warcraft for your statistics viewing pleasure. They're currently tracking the following aspects of the game.

Bestsellers - Most Crafted ItemsCrafer's Corner - Most Created ItemsFierce Creatures - Most Dangerous NPCsGold Rush - Most Gathered ItemsBig Booty - Most Looted ItemsHeroes for Hire - Most Completed Quests

Data hounds can also perform quick AJAX-y searches and do side-by-side comparisons for up to seven days worth of data to see what's hot and what's not. It's a handy little tool to see what the world of WoWers are up to these days. Michael McWhertor

World of Warcraft Game Statistics.


FANS (Freshman Athletics Need Support) will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4, and Jan. 15, in the Garden City High School MRC to work on fund-raising activities to support freshman sports. For more information, call Kim Gonzalez at (734) 421-8375 or Tracy Spehar at (734) 560-2345.Ice show

The Garden City Figure Skating Club Christmas Exhibition is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, at the Civic Arena. Admission is $3 per person and a canned good. All canned goods will be donated to needy Garden City families.Candy canes

Holiday video game guide: Here's some help navigating the shopping waters

Gamers - and, more pointedly, the friends and family members who'll be buying gifts for them in the next few weeks - might be pardoned for feeling like the passengers in Poseidon, a few moments after the gigantic ocean liner gets pancaked by several tons of seawater.

If last year's launch of the Xbox 360 signaled a sea change for gaming's next generation, this year is a level-10 tsunami. From the sheer cost ($600 for an impossible-to-find PlayStation 3?) to the sheer scope of available choices (several hundred at the very least), "drowning" is the appropriate word.

Drowning in goodness, that is.


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